Lakota Shirt

Supaya Gray Wolfe

This shirt has been beaded with a cross and moon and has a painted design on back, German tanned leather. Beaded and sewn by hand.


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About this piece

"Lakota Shirt" Hand sewn with sinew. Beaded with glass beads and hand dyed with earth paints

Supaya Gray Wolfe




All Natural Dry Earth Paints

Made of

German Tanned Deer Hide, Aged Hawk Bells, Glass Beads, Sinew

Care instructions

Gently dust.

Shipping & Delivery

Standard UPS



Supaya Gray Wolfe


Supaya’s education comes from living on different reservations, Cherokee reservation, Pine Ridge South Dakota Lakota reservation, and the Navajo reservation in Arizona. Learning from elders, seeing and sharing old designs, listening and learning old stories. It was and is a good school for the heart. All her artwork is inspired by her time on the reservations.

Best in Show: Decorative Objects of Art, By Western Hands Invitational 2022